Pinpoint accuracy-
Tailored Tempering

This technique opens up a host of new manufacturing options to you.

Thermal printing – Tailored Tempering

The patented thermal printing technology first established by our company allows the user to create different temperature zones on the same blank. Each of these different sectors undergoes an individual, targeted, localized heat treatment and thus a locally altered time-temperature curve.

This allows for soft areas to be defined in addition to the hard martensitic areas covered by conventional press hardening. Our innovative technology enables both very narrow and larger transition areas between the different strength ranges, depending on individual requirements.

The different strength ranges resulting from the subsequent pressing of the blanks thus open up new possibilities for the automotive and supplier industry in the production of safety-relevant body components. In addition to a significant weight reduction, there are additional opportunities for the joining technology.

Consistent lightweight construction plays a central role in reducing fuel and energy consumption in automotive engineering.

Regardless of the particular component design, layout or specifications for the different strength ranges you require - we can customize the ideal inline thermal printer for your schwartz heat treatment system.

Pilot line for tailored tempering on site

At our headquarters in Simmerath, we have set up a pilot line with the near-series “inline printer” for driving test parts. We use it to demonstrate to our customers in-house that the specifications of their components can be implemented using the new tailored tempering process.

How Tailored Tempering from schwartz works

Click on the different stations (red dots) and discover what makes our Tailored Tempering process so special.


Furnace 1

The heating, which is arranged above and below the transport rollers, ensures effective heat transfer to the blanks. Uniform temperature distribution can therefore be achieved even at high throughput rates with short cycle times. 

There is a patent-protected slide system on both the inlet and outlet sides of the oven. This ensures the required oven atmospheres, dried air for coated blanks or shielding gas for uncoated blanks, while at the same time keeps energy consumption as low as possible.

Thermal printer

Within the thermal inline printer, the various areas on the blanks undergo individual, localized heat treatment and thus a specifically modified time-temperature curve.

This allows the desired temperature ranges to be generated.

Furnace 2

The different temperature ranges are reheated here.

The tried-and-tested slide system allows you to set the required oven atmosphere and minimize energy consumption.

Components with different temperature zones on the unloading and locating roller track

The thermal printing technology can create two or more different temperature zones on one and the same blank. 

In this manner, it is possible to realized soft areas in addition to the hard, martensitic ones.

Unloading roller conveyor with locating system

Corrugated transport rollers ensure that the blanks are supported at specific points, reducing heat loss to a minimum during rapid removal from the oven.

Programmable centering axes and lifting devices can be adjusted to the respective blank shape and thus guarantee smallest possible position tolerances of the blanks during transfer to the press loading system.

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schwartz GmbH
Edisonstrasse 5
52152 Simmerath

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